Why Web Video Production is Becoming so Important

Posted by John Haslam

From the Experts – Web Video Production

Gone are the days when video advertising was restricted to the 5-minute segments that interrupt your favorite TV show.  Today, web video is king.  There are many social channels available in the marketing world that provide exposure for your web video.  But why should you focus your attention on video marketing on the Internet?  Why is it so important?

According to the Nielsen group, YouTube reaches more adults in the United States between the ages of 18 and 34 than any cable network.  Take into account that the United States alone had more than 2.75 million cable viewers between the ages of 18-46 in 2013 and you may realize just how astounding this figure is.

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Furthermore, these numbers only apply to American viewership: worldwide, YouTube brings in more than 1 billion unique viewers every month.  That’s more than three times the population of the US—and it doesn’t even include statistics for viewers on Vimeo, Facebook, and other venues.  In this manner, YouTube and other social media and Internet video platforms immediately give your video a much more widespread audience than traditional television advertisements.

Not only does web video marketing have a broader viewer base, it also allows you to better address your selected demographics.  The first, and most important step to take when planning any advertising campaign is to determine your target audience by such factors as geographic location, age, gender, interests, and more.  Of course, you can select an appropriate broadcasting company and time to air your commercial on TV, but through Internet video marketing, your audience can be much more specific and thus much more tuned in to your message.  With the help of social media channels, you can target unique groups of people with a customized set of parameters, making your information relevant far beyond the means of traditional outlets.

As social media marketing comes to the forefront of the marketing world, web videos are excellent tools to create brand awareness and recognition as they are shareable across a wide variety of platforms, including mobile devices.  This means that your message can reach viewers from any location, at any time.  Additionally, web videos give companies the means to hit that “sweet spot” in their advertisements, combining entertainment with education and a call to action.  Thus, videos are a powerful tool for your company’s marketing campaign, and as an estimated 50% of all web traffic will come from videos in 2014, online platforms are the best place to host them.

When producing any video marketing series, it is important that your equipment is top of the line and your crew is knowledgeable.  Silver screen production value is paramount, whether you host your video on YouTube or broadcast it on a major cable station.  Give your online viewers an engaging, high-quality experience through your video advertisement, and you have the potential to earn global esteem.
